December 7, 2024


This short guide is meant for those of us who, more often that not find themselves struggling to remember the order to resizing LVM partitions, myself included. 😀

Configuration in four steps

Given you already have a working configuration of LVM up and running on Linux, with the appropriate physical volumes (PV) and logical volumes (LV) inside a volume group (VG). There is an order to how we go about resizing them, which can be summed up in four steps.

Note to self: Backup current state before proceeding and verify the results of each step.

  1. Resize the disk partition on your machine to include/discard the unpartitioned/partitioned space you want.

  2. Resize your LVM physical volume with pvresize <disk partition path>.

  3. Resize your LVM logical volume with lvresize <logical volume path> -l <size>.

  4. Grow your LVM logical volume on the file system level with resize2fs.

If hell hasn’t broken loose in some shape or form, you should have successfully resized your LVM partitions.

tags: Linux, Storage